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How long does hair transplant take to heal?

By August 18, 2022October 18th, 2023Hair transplants

Hair transplant surgery is minimally painful and traumatic. Nonetheless, there is some trauma to the scalp due to the hair transplant procedure.

Healing time depends on the type of procedure

You need to understand that there are two sites of procedure in the case of hair transplant. The first site is from where the hair has been extracted, another site of the transplant. After a transplant, both sites need to heal so that a person starts feeling well.

Healing time is shorter for FUE procedure

The donor or harvest site, often the back side of the scalp, may be particularly traumatized in FUT hair transplant. In addition, in the case of FUT, there would be stitches at the harvesting site, and thus it takes longer to heal.

However, the harvest site may heal more readily in the case of an FUE transplant.

Generally, a harvest site requires a couple of weeks for complete recovery. In the case of FUE, there would not be any scarring. However, there will be some scarring in the case of FUT.

What is a FUE hair transplant?

How long does it take to heal after a hair transplant surgery?

As already stated, healing takes about two weeks. During these two weeks, you should be particularly careful. A person who has undergone a hair transplant must know what to do and what not during these first two weeks.

Sufficient healing occurs within a couple of weeks after hair transplantation

  • Quite often, doctors would place bandages, especially in the case of FUT. You can remove these bandages 2-5 days after or as instructed by the doctor. However, you should not touch the grafts or wash the scalp.
  • After a few days, generally 5-7 days, you can gently wash without touching with hands or using harsh shampoo.
  • After two weeks, you can start washing as usual or regularly.
  • After 7-14 days, doctors would remove the stitches if there are non-dissolvable stitches in the case of FUT.

Complete hair transplant recovery time?

You won’t be fully healed until a good few months after your surgery. It’s really important to remember this. You might be able to get back to your normal lifestyle, but the full recovery process takes much longer.

For example, it can 6 months to see new hair growth, and up to roughly a year to see the full results.

How many grafts do I need on the donor area?

Dr Marwan Saifi can talk to you about this. He can advise you on the recovery process. But you can take a look at your hair transplant options to find about the hair graft number you might need.

He’ll also analyse what type of hair transplantation you need to grow hair that gives you not only new hair growth, but also natural looking results.

Complete healing and hair growth takes much longer

  • After a few weeks, transplanted grafts will fall out; this is absolutely normal and not a reason to worry.
  • After a few months, new hair will start to grow at the hair transplant site. It may take about six months to see some results.
  • You may experience complete hair growth at the hair transplant site within 12-18 months.

These are the healing times for most individuals to ensure full hair transplant recovery. However, some may take longer to heal as much depends on age and metabolic health.

Additionally, healing may be delayed in the case of complications like local infection or some unexpected reaction.

Will all transplanted hair grow?

Fortunately, hair transplant techniques have improved a lot in recent years. It means that most grafts would indeed grow. Therefore, you can expect above 90% of the results after you’ve had transplanted hair surgery.

In some cases, doctors can achieve close to 100% results.

As you’d expect, a lot would depend on the expertise and experience of the doctor. That is why you should choose a hair transplant clinic with due diligence.

Hair transplant in Poland has some of the best results in the industry.

What factors affect the graft survival and healing process after a follicular unit extraction?

In most cases, there won’t be any issues, and recovery will be quick and without any complications or scarring.

Plastic surgeons might prescribe medications and recommend supplements that may further improve healing and graft survival after hair transplants.

Some of the factors affecting graft survival after hair transplants are:

  • Scalp condition of the donor. Some may have multiple issues like androgenetic alopecia along with, fungal infections and other issues. These factors affect graft survival.
  • Physical damage to the graft may also reduce its survival ability.
  • Lots would also depend on the surgical technique used. Again, this underlines the importance of choosing the right hair transplant surgeon.
  • Additionally, graft storage conditions may also affect its survivability.

4 Top Tips for improving healing and boosting graft survivability

Generally, hair transplant surgeons would provide loads of tips to promote healing and enhance graft survivability.

  1. Though you can immediately return to work, taking a leave for about three days is a good idea. The first few days are crucial, and the risk of various complications is high. In addition, staying at home and eating healthy food may help accelerate healing.

person type on a laptop with coffee

  1. Do not brush or comb grafts for three weeks.
  2. Use mild shampoos for a few weeks.
  3. Do not wear hats over the new hair for a few weeks.

woman wearing a hat

  • Reduce the level of physical activity for the first four weeks.

Can a person lose hair grafts after complete healing?

You may lose very few, but most of them will remain intact. It is natural for hairs to grow, stay in a resting state and fall. The same cycle applies to transplanted hairs.

However, some people may experience increased balding as more hair surrounding the transplanted region may fall. This is especially true for androgenetic alopecia.

Can I expect my hair grafts to last for a long time?

A hair transplant does not make you immune to ageing and other health issues that may cause increased hair loss. But generally, doctors can assess the patients and can tell what to expect from the hair transplant.

Many patients expect their transplanted hairs to last a few years, at least. But their new healthy hairs can go to grow naturally and last for a very long time.

If a person feels that they have lost some grafts, you may undergo a hair restoration procedure after a few years. Generally, hair restoration requires transplanting fewer grafts and thus is less costly.

How long does a hair transplant last?

Hair transplant recovery time

Hair transplant surgery is not traumatic. Nonetheless, it is an invasive procedure. Hair restoration using FUT may be especially traumatic, requiring longer healing times.

Relatively, FUE hair transplant:

  • is not traumatic
  • has shorter healing times
  • has lower rates of complications
  • fast becoming the preferred hair transplant procedure

FUE and FUT are different hair harvesting methods. However, healing of the hair transplant site mainly depends on the technique and, thus surgeon’s expertise.

Therefore, if you want faster healing rates, it is good to go for a hair transplant in countries like Poland.

Choose hair transplants in Poland if you’re struggling with hair loss

Get in touch with us and send your details. If you’ve been suffering with:

  • bald patches
  • hair thinning
  • problems with hair plugs
  • bald area problems

We can talk you through the best options for you, be it a follicular unit transplantation or the follicular unit extraction.

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