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How much is top surgery?

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Top surgery, also known as female to male surgery, is £3,200 with Europe Surgery. Our surgeon Adam Kalecinski works in our award winning clinic in Poland and has years of experience.

The Cost of Top Surgery in England: Comparing Affordability with Poland

Top surgery, also known as female to male surgery, chest surgery or masculinizing chest reconstruction, is a significant step for transgender individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

While the United Kingdom provides essential healthcare services, including gender-affirming surgeries, the cost of such procedures can be a significant financial burden for many.

This article explores the cost of top surgery in England and compares it to the more affordable options available in Poland. We’ll also touch on what the surgery involves.

Top Surgery in England

In England, the National Health Service (NHS) provides gender-affirming surgeries, including top or FTM, for transgender individuals. However, the waiting lists for these procedures can be long due to limited resources and high demand.

How long can the waiting times be for top surgery in England?

The waiting times for top surgery can range from several months to several years, causing additional emotional and psychological strain for individuals already grappling with gender dysphoria.

What’s the cost of FTM surgery through private healthcare in England?

For those who choose to go through private healthcare providers, the cost of the top procedure in England can be quite high. On average, the price can range from £6,000 to £9,000 ($8,300 to $12,500) depending on the surgeon, location, and specific surgical technique.

These costs typically cover the surgery itself, anesthesia, hospital stay, and post-operative care. Additionally, factors such as pre-operative consultations and psychological assessments may incur additional charges.

Why do so many people go to Poland for top surgery?

In recent years, Poland has gained recognition as an attractive destination for individuals seeking affordable top surgery options, also known as female to male surgery.

The country boasts a growing number of experienced surgeons who specialise in transgender surgeries, including top.

Poland’s popularity as a medical tourism destination is primarily due to the significantly lower costs compared to many Western countries.

What’s the cost of top surgery in Poland?

On average, the total expense of top surgery in Poland can range from £2,500 to £5,000 ($3,500 to $7,000), which is significantly lower than the costs in England.

So when it comes to the cost of top surgery, Poland offers a substantial financial advantage.

This cost typically includes:

  • the surgery
  • anaesthesia
  • hospital fees
  • post-operative care
  • follow-up consultations.

How much does top surgery cost with Europe Surgery?

Top surgery costs £3,200 with Europe Surgery, which is cheaper than the average price in Poland and the UK.

You can expect an initial consultation before your FTM top surgery, a more masculine looking chest, and thorough aftercare with our team.

Watch our patient testimonials on our female to male surgery page.

Why is FTM top surgery cheaper in Poland?

Several factors contribute to the lower cost of top surgery in Poland.

The overall cost of living and healthcare services in Poland is comparatively lower than in countries like the UK. Consequently, medical facilities and personnel in Poland can provide quality care at more affordable rates.

Furthermore, the exchange rate between the British pound and the Polish złoty can work in favour of individuals seeking top surgery.

With the pound often having a higher value, British individuals can benefit from favourable conversion rates, effectively reducing the overall cost of surgery.

What should I consider before choosing male top surgery?

While the cost advantage of top surgery in Poland is appealing, individuals considering this option should carefully research and choose a reputable surgeon and medical facility.

It is crucial to ensure that the surgeon has experience in these surgeries, a track record of successful procedures, and adheres to international medical standards.

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Travel and accommodation costs should also be factored in when considering surgery abroad. Planning for post-operative care and follow-up appointments is essential, as it may involve additional expenses and logistical arrangements.

Double incision top surgery cost

For transgender men and women in England, FTM surgery can be a significant financial investment. While the NHS provides the surgery for transgender men, the NHS waiting times can be lengthy.

However, Poland has emerged as an attractive option for those seeking more affordable top surgery options.

The significantly lower costs, combined with the growing expertise of Polish surgeons, make it a viable alternative for individuals seeking chest reconstruction.

As with any medical procedure, thorough research and careful consideration should be undertaken before making a decision. So have a chat with your GP. They are likely to go through a few topics on transgender health including your body mass index before you consider male gender reassignment to ensure you’re making the right decision for your health.

Then enquire with us about reconstructive surgery.

What age is best for top surgery?

Anyone 18 or older can have top surgery. But it’s always best to speak to your GP first as you embark on your journey to your preferred gender identity.

What’s the healing process like with FTM surgery?

Our surgeon can advise you in your free consultation. We always look after all of our patients and advise how the surgery site can be taken care of too.

If you do suffer any discomfort afterwards, you can ask your GP if you can take over the counter painkillers. As you become a transgender man, some choose to undergo hormone therapy, also known as HRT. But hormone therapy is something you should discuss with your GP.

What are the types of transgender surgery?

  • Top surgery (double incision top surgery, or periareolar top surgery)
  • Metoidioplasty
  • Phalloplasty

Please note that we don’t offer metoidioplasty or phalloplasty, just the first one in the list.

What does FTM top surgery involve?

It involves removing the breast tissue to give you a flatter chest. So it’s the opposite to breast augmentation in that we make your breasts smaller and you get the natural looking male chest transgender men want.

Head over to our page on female to male surgery to find out more about the options available, and then get in touch or go straight to our cosmetic surgery prices.