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Brazilian Butt Lift

BBL Surgery

From £1200

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery:

Procedure and Preparation

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is more than just a cosmetic procedure; it’s a transformative journey that reshapes and enhances the buttocks’ size and contour. This procedure stands out due to its dual benefits: it slims down areas with excess fat while augmenting the buttocks.

lady after BBL surgery in a bikiniThe BBL Procedure Explained

BBL begins with liposuction, where fat is removed from other body parts, commonly the abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs. This step provides the material needed for buttock enhancement and contours the areas from which fat is taken, offering a more sculpted appearance. Fat grafting is the technique used for buttock enhancement, involving the careful selection and removal of fat for transfer.

The harvested fat undergoes a purification process. Once purified, the injected fat is strategically injected into various areas of the buttocks. This step is crucial as it requires an artistic eye and surgical precision to ensure a natural, appealing shape. Preserving blood vessels during this procedure minimises risks.

Each BBL procedure is tailored to the patient’s unique body shape and aesthetic goals. The amount of fat transferred and the specific areas of enhancement vary from person to person.

Safety and Technique used during BBL surgery

  • Advanced Techniques: Over the years, techniques in BBL surgery have evolved within the field of plastic surgery. Surgeons now employ methods that prioritize patient safety and long-lasting results, such as ensuring fat is injected at the correct depth.

  • Surgeon’s Expertise: The success of a BBL largely depends on the surgeon’s skill and experience. It’s crucial to choose a Brazilian butt lift surgeon with specialized training in fat transfer techniques. Prospective patients should seek board-certified plastic surgeons specialising in body contouring and having a track record of successful BBL procedures.

Benefits of having the brazilian butt lift procedure

Natural-Looking Enhancement

Unlike traditional butt implants or buttock implants, BBL uses your own fat cells, leading to a more natural look and feel. This aspect significantly reduces the risk of rejection or allergic reactions, making it a safer and more appealing option compared to the additional risks associated with butt implants.

A BBL enhances the buttocks and improves the overall balance and proportion of the body. Removing fat from areas like the abdomen or thighs creates a more harmonious body profile, avoiding the artificial appearance often associated with buttock implants.

Improved Body Contour

  • Dual Benefits: Removing fat from other areas often results in a more contoured and defined figure. This dual benefit makes BBL a popular choice for those looking for comprehensive body reshaping.
  • Customisable Results: BBL allows for a high degree of customisation. Surgeons can adjust the volume and shape of the buttocks to meet individual preferences, ensuring that each patient achieves their desired outcome.

Boost in Self-Confidence

  • Psychological Benefits: Many patients report a significant boost in self-esteem and body image following a BBL. This improvement in self-perception is a key benefit, often leading to a more positive outlook and increased confidence in various aspects of life.
  • Long-Lasting Results: While some fat reabsorption is expected after the procedure, most of the transferred fat remains, offering long-lasting results. Maintaining a stable weight and healthy lifestyle can prolong the effects of the surgery.

Recovery and Aftercare from a brazilian butt lift procedure

  • Recovery Process: Recovery from brazilian butt lifts typically involves a few weeks of downtime, with specific instructions on sitting and lying down to ensure optimal fat graft survival. Notably, the use of Twilight Anaesthesia allows patients to experience a more comfortable recovery and the ability to go home the same day.

  • Aftercare: Post-operative care is crucial for the success of a BBL. This includes wearing compression garments, avoiding direct pressure on the buttocks, and following a tailored plan for a gradual return to normal activities.

The Brazilian Butt Lift offers a unique solution for enhancing the buttocks’ appearance while improving overall body contour. Its ability to provide natural-looking results, combined with the benefits of fat removal from other areas, makes it a highly sought-after procedure in cosmetic surgery. As with any surgical procedure, the key to a successful BBL lies in choosing an experienced surgeon and adhering to their guidance before, during, and after the surgery.

Before and After BBL Surgery

before and after BBL surgery

After | Before

BBL Surgery

BBL surgery before and after

After | Before

BBL Surgery

BBl surgery results

After | Before

BBL Surgery

BBl surgery in Poland

After | Before

BBL Surgery

BBL Frequently Asked Questions

What No One Tells You About BBL?

  • Hidden Aspects: Many aren’t aware of the importance of choosing a surgeon who is experienced specifically in Brazilian butt lift procedures. When considering a BBL, it’s vital to inquire about the number of Brazilian butt lift procedures the surgeon has performed and to review before and after photos to understand their aesthetic style. The technique, skill level, and experience in fat transfer techniques specific to Brazilian butt lift procedures play a crucial role in the success and safety of the surgery. It’s also advisable to seek out surgeons who have undergone additional training in fat grafting and Brazilian butt lift procedures through accredited boards.

  • Recovery Reality: The recovery period can be more challenging than anticipated. It involves strict guidelines on sitting and lying down, and it may take longer than expected to return to normal activities.

How Long Until You Can You Sit After a BBL?

  • Post-Surgery Sitting: It’s generally recommended to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after surgery. This precaution helps ensure the survival of the transferred fat cells.
  • Gradual Resumption: After the initial two weeks, sitting should be done cautiously, preferably using a doughnut pillow or cushion to avoid pressure on the buttocks.

What Do I Need to Know Before Getting a BBL?

  • Realistic Expectations: Understand the realistic outcomes of the surgery. BBL enhances your natural shape but doesn’t completely alter your body structure.

  • Health and Lifestyle: Good health, having a stable weight, and not smoking are crucial for a successful procedure and recovery.

  • Fat Availability: Adequate fat stores in other body areas are necessary for the fat transfer process. It’s essential to have enough fat tissue available for harvesting, as this is critical for a successful Brazilian butt lift. This ensures there is sufficient material for the enhancement and contributes to the overall success and safety of the procedure.

What Are the Restrictions After BBL?

  • Activity Limitations: Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a month after surgery.
  • Sleeping Position: Sleeping on your stomach or side is recommended to avoid putting pressure on the buttocks.
  • Garments: Wearing compression garments as directed by your surgeon is essential for shaping and supporting the treated areas.

How Long Do the Results of a BBL Last?

The results of a BBL can be long-lasting. However, significant weight fluctuations can affect the outcomes. Maintaining a stable weight is key to preserving the results.

Is BBL Surgery Dangerous?

Like any surgery, the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) has its risks. However, when the surgery Brazilian butt lift is performed by a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon, the risks are minimised. The procedure involves liposuction to remove fat from the lower body, which is then injected into specific points on the buttocks to achieve the desired shape and size. It’s crucial to discuss potential complications and the importance of maintaining a stable weight for long-lasting results with your surgeon.

Can BBL Help in Losing Weight?

BBL is not a weight loss procedure. It reshapes and enhances the buttocks area but doesn’t significantly reduce overall body weight.

What is the Ideal Age for a BBL?

There’s no specific ideal age for a BBL, but candidates should be over 18, in good health, and have realistic expectations. Age-related factors like skin elasticity can influence the results.

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